Many employees do not even know how much money they give to the state each year. We find out for you, to what extent you are entitled to get a tax refund – for certain.
We will be glad to advise you in the matter of income tax, and, by request, we complete your income tax declaration. In doing so, we optimise your type of assessment and take care of the filing with the tax office. We revise the basic rate and the tax rate for a separate taxing of husband and wife, the assessment for single persons or the assessment for married couples assessed jointly and find the ideal type of assessment for your individual case.
You submit us your bills and receipts, and we take care of the rest. You do not need to take any other measures or to complete any forms yourself anymore. We completely undertake this task for you.
We are also glad to receive your income tax assessment from the competent tax authority and to examine it. We relieve you of everything up to the end of the assessment year.
My advice:
There are more possiblities to make tax deductions for you than is generally known. Let us advise you!